Table of contents (Vol 10, No 10)

Thoracic mobilisation and periscapular soft tissue manipulations in the management of chronic Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc

This study highlight the effect of upper back fascia and periscapular muscles stretching and thoracic mobilisation to reduce symptoms in subjects with CLBP due to lumbar disk herniation.

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By Raj Kiran, Patitapaban Mohanty, Monalisa Pattnaik

Kuwaiti parent's knowledge of their childern's fever and their patterns of use of over the counter antipyretics

This research helps in designing parents’ educational sessions considering fever, its management as well as the proper use of antipyretics.

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By Nabil Ahmed Badawy, Ali Falah Alhajraf, Mawaheb Falah Alsamdan

Patterns of productivity changes in hospitals by using Malmquist - DEA Index: A panel data analysis (2011–2016)

The present study investigates the productivity of the Yazd hospitals before and after the implementation of the health system transformation plan.

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By Behzad Raei, Mahmoud Yousofi, Kolan Rahmani, Somaie Afshari, Hosein Amery

Health behaviors affecting academic performance among university students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: KSU female students as an example

This study aims to determine the effect of healthy behaviours on academic performance among King Saud University female students who study in different academic fields.

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By Alia Almoajel, Arwa Nasser Al-Zahrani, Malak Saud Al-Otaibi

Differentiation of N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) rapid and intermediate acetylator based on genotype and urinary assay

This study defines the phenotype of NAT2 based on both genotyping and urinary assay and to determine the concordance rate between both methods in rapid and intermediate acetylator groups.

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By Rika Yuliwulandari, Kinasih Prayuni, Herman Usman, Qomariyah Sachrowardi, Katsushi Tokunaga

Oral health and characteristics of saliva in diabetic and healthy children

The present study compares the quality and quantity of saliva and oral health in children and adolescents with diabetes compared to healthy children.

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By Leila Basir, Majid Aminzade, Ahmad Zare Javid, Mashalah Khanehmasiedi, Kosar Rezaeifar


Epidemiologic evaluation of toxoplasmosis and leading risk factors in HIV/AIDS patients in Arak City, Iran

The current epidemiologic study was conducted to identify the characteristics and leading risk factors of toxoplasmosis among HIV/AIDS patients.

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By Reza Aghaee, Sassan Saki, Mojtaba Didehdar, Reza Hajihossein, Zahra Eslamirad


A case of spuriously high CK-MB: Contemplate beyond cardiac

This case study highlights that the macro-molecular variant of creatine kinase may be incidentally discovered in a patient without coronary artery disease and should prompt screening for associated non-cardiac conditions.

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By Rishard Abdul, Michael Omar, Shivananda Nayak, Surujpal Teelucksingh, Ronan Ali

Management of chylous ascites following hand assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy: Case report

This study reports a case of chylous ascites following a hand assisted laparoscopic donor nephrectomy.

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By George Crome, Jacob A Akoh

Vitiligo: A new side effect of everolimus therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma

This case study suggests a new type of drug-induced vitiligo, caused by a melanocyte-specific mechanism of toxicity not reported, until now, in literature.

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By Sara Cacciapuoti, Anna Masarà, Maria Mariano, Norma Cameli, Gabriella Fabbrocini

Treatment of radiation-induced erectile dysfunction with low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave: A case report

This study offers that vasculogenic erectile dysfunction that is not responsive to PDE5 inhibitor could be treated with a shorter protocol, consisting six low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave treatment sessions, instead of twelve. 

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By Chun Wai Chan, Chin Hoong Wong
