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Table of contents (Vol 10, No 3)

To rub shoulders with the traditional health practitioner or not, that is the question for the medical doctor in the New South Africa

This study reflects on the future professional relationship between the South African medical doctor and the traditional healer, or traditional health practitioner as his new professional title is in terms of Act No 22 (2007).

By Andre Duvenhage, Gabriel Louw

The Traditional Health Practitioners Act No 22 (2007): A godsend or an act that spells doom for South Africa’s healthcare?

This study determines if Act No 22 is godsend to the South African healthcare or if there is an indication of doom.

By Andre Duvenhage, Gabriel Louw

Thalidomide for prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting following highly emetogenic chemotherapy

This study shows that, addition of thalidomide improved prevention of delayed nausea in patients receiving cisplatin-based chemotherapy.

Photo by Freedigitalphotos

By Geng Song, Nianfei Wang, Fanfan Li, Qian He

Overview of Human Brucellosis in Aseer Region, Saudi Arabia

This study shows that, Brucellosis is still a major health problem in the Middle Eastern countries and is considered important among the zoonotic infections prevalent worldwide.

Photo by Freedigitalphotos

By Esther Paul, Mafouz A Majdi, Shruti Malik

Effects of a physical activity programme on body perception and composition in overweight adolescents

This study suggests the importance of an adequate physical activity extracurricular programme as a way to enhance the perception of body image as well as the body composition between adolescents with overweight and obesity.

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By Onofre Ricardo Contreras-Jordán, Pedro Gil Madrona, Miguel Tortosa-Martínez, Juan Carlos Pastor-Vicedo

Epidemiological study of fatal road traffic accidents in Ecuador

This study is the first epidemiologic study on fatal traffic accidents in Ecuador. The results allow the evaluation and formulations of road safety policies nationwide.

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By AF Algora-Buenafé, PR Suasnavas-Bermúdez, P Merino-Salazar, Antonio Ramón Gómez García


Call For Papers
By Francesco Inchingolo

A world of rural health sharing ideas for the future workforce policy, education and practice

This Editorial Highlights about the World of Rural Health Conference which is going to be held at Cairns in April 2017.

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By Jennene Ann Greenhill

The overcoming of the outdated idea of traditional dentistry as a necessary step towards the new generation of highly skilled dentists

This editorial highlights that future trend sees the dentist as a major player in the basic science and translational research. The real challenge today is already understand these profound changes, applying an interdisciplinary education that promotes the creation of the figure of dentist 2.0.

Photo by Freedigitalphotos

By Francesco Inchingolo

Magnesium deficiency and induction of NAFLD and Type 3 diabetes in Australasia

This Editorial discusses about Magnesium deficiency and induction of NAFLD and Type 3 diabetes in Australasia.

Photo by Freedigitalphotos

By Ian James Martins


Pink urine syndrome

The present case illustrates a syndrome of low incidence, characterized by pink urine, being related to factors such as obesity, and being triggered by abdominal surgeries, use of propofol, among others. 

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By Luis del Carpio-Orantes, Ramon Juan-Jose Elizalde-Bernal, Josué Eli Villegas-Domínguez, Jorge Ernesto Morales-Ocon, Romina Karime Tejero-Da Silveira


Comparison of dietetics service delivery (demand and determinants) within two Australian Medical Assessment and Planning Units

This study highlights that dietetic service delivery differes depending upon the units established culture and systems. Where indicated by high malnutrition prevalence, Assessment and Planning Units Guidelines should reflect all applicable health-teams including Dietetics.

Photo by Freedigitalphotos

By Angela Vivanti, Eryn M Murray, Rebecca S Moore, Leena Aggarwal, Elizabeth S Whiting

Toe salvage procedure for the recurrent chondromyxoid fibroma

This case study strongly recommends a staged toe salvage procedure for the recurrent benign CMF if there is no feature of malignancy.

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By Peruvaje Ramakrishna Krishnaprasad, Kiran Acharya, Vivek Pandey, Sandesh Madi, Bukkambudhi Virupakshamurthy Murlimanju

Asymmetrical Achilles tendon ossification and rare rear heel pain

This study offers that, bilateral Achilles tendon ossification can be developed as a consequence of intra-substance degeneration of tendon; however, pain may be unilateral.

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By Md Abu Bakar Siddiq, Israt Jahan

Foreign body ingestion in an adolescent – A case report and literature review

Foreign body ingestion (FBI) more commonly occurs in paediatric, psychiatric and intellectually impaired patients. Current guidelines primarily focus on paediatrics and adults with less emphasis on the adolescent population.

By Aidan Yu, Shelly Lee, Nelson Chen, James Nguyen, Charles Chou


Letters to the Editor

Direct access fibroscan allows reduction of waiting time for actualization; Australian university general practices: potential to reach out to vulnerable young people

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By Vanessa Chong, Hazel Oon, Tim Stauton-Smith, David Lim
