Impact Of Bariatric Surgery on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study
Objective: To assess the occurrence of GERD after bariatric surgery and surgery impact on GERD.
Methods: This research employs a cross-sectional study design to investigate the impact of bariatric surgery on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) among individuals who have undergone various types of bariatric surgeries.
Results: The study included 302 participants. The most frequent weight among them was more than 96 kg (n= 130, 43%) followed by 76-85 kg (n= 51, 16.9%). The most frequent height among study participants was 1.61-1.70 m (n= 100, 33.1%) followed by 1.51-1.60 m (n= 99, 32.8%). The most frequent body mass index (BMI) value among study participants was more than 35 kg/m2 (n= 126, 41.7%) followed by 25-29.9 kg/m2 (n= 67, 22.2%). The most frequent age among study participants was 26-36 years (n= 104, 34.4%) followed by 15-25 years (n= 83, 27.5%). The most frequent gender among study participants was Female (n= 162, 53.6%) followed by Male (n= 140, 46.4%). Participants were asked about the type of obesity surgery. The most frequent was Gastric sleeve (n=222, 73.5%), followed by Gastric bypass (n=33, 10.9%).
Conclusion: Study results showed that most of the study participants are extremely obese according to their BMI. The most common obesity surgery type was a Gastric sleeve followed by a Gastric bypass. The most of participants were a non-smoker. Most of them had weight loss. In addition, most of the study participants had good social connection.