Impact of Smoking Exposure on Pregnancy and Perinatal Outcome Among Saudi Women: A Cross-Sectional Study
Objective: To assess the impact of smoking exposure on pregnancy and perinatal outcomes among Saudi women.
Methods: This research will employ a cross-sectional study design to assess the impact of smoking exposure on pregnancy and perinatal outcomes among Saudi women. Cross-sectional studies are particularly suitable for examining associations and prevalence within a defined population at a specific point in time. In this case, the study aims to collect data on smoking behavior, pregnancy history, and perinatal outcomes among a representative sample of Saudi women in healthcare facilities across different regions of the country. The cross-sectional design allows for the efficient collection of data from a diverse population, providing insights into the relationship between smoking and perinatal outcomes without the need for long-term follow-up.
Results: The study included 450 participants. The most frequent age among them was 35 and more years (n= 309, 68.7%) followed by 30-34 (n= 94, 20.9%). The most frequent educational level among study participants was the university (n= 408, 90.7%) followed by the school (n= 39, 8.7%). The most frequent job among study participants was a Governmental job (n= 159, 35.3%) followed by a housewife (n= 135, 30%). Number of previous births among study participants with most of them having a previous birth (n= 396, 88%) followed by this is the first birth (n= 54, 12%). Number of previous pregnancies among study participants with most of them having a previous pregnancy (n= 408, 90.7%) followed by this is the first pregnancy (n= 42, 9.3%). Number of abortions among study participants with most of them nothing (n= 234, 52%) followed by there is (n= 216, 48%). Participants were asked about smoking. The most frequent were don’t smoke (n= 315, 70%) followed by smoking (n= 135, 30%). The most frequent exposure to smoking among them was yes (n= 333, 74%) followed by no (n= 117, 26%).
Conclusion: Study results showed that most of the study participants are the university according to their educational level. Most frequencies of participants had a previous birth. Most of them don’t smoke in another hand most of them were exposed to smoking. In addition, most of the study participants had good social connection.