Prevalence And Risk Factors of Eye Allergies Among Adults In Ksa: A Cross-Sectional Study
Objective: To determine the prevalence of eye allergies and associated risk factors among adults in KSA.
Methods: This research employs a cross-sectional study design to assess the prevalence and risk factors of eye allergies among adults in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). A cross-sectional approach allows for the collection of data at a single point in time, providing a snapshot of the condition's status within the study population.
Results: The study included 640 participants. The most frequent age among them was 18-28 years (n= 331, 51.7%), followed by 40-50 years (n= 139, 21.7%). The most frequent gender among study participants was female (n= 389, 60.8%) followed by male (n= 251, 39.2 The most frequent nationality among study participants was Saudi (n= 613, 95.8%) followed by non-Saudi (n= 27, 4.2%). The educational level among study participants with most of them being the university (n= 553, 86.4%) followed by the school (n= 85, 13.3%). The work nature among study participants with most of was inside the building. Participants were asked if they had an eye problem that affected their daily life. The most frequent answer was moderately (n= 309, 48.3%) followed by never (n= 271, 42.3%), and the least was a lot (n=60, 9.4%).
Conclusion: The results of the study showed that most of the study participants are Saudis and most of them work inside the building. The majority have university education, and the largest percentage of participants are women. Most of the participants are non-smokers. Most study participants had good social communication.