Exploring Baby Walker Usage and Related Injuries in Mecca Province, Saudi Arabia
Background: Baby walkers have commonly used devices that allow infants to move around with the support of wheels, but they have been associated with various risks and hazards. Therefore, this study aimed to assess baby walker usage and their injuries, the awareness of caregivers regarding common misconceptions surrounding baby walkers, and to explore their attitudes toward general children's safety in the Western Province of Saudi Arabia.
Material and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among families with children aged older than six months and younger than 12 years in the Western Province of Saudi Arabia, using a self-administered questionnaire. A total of 75 kindergartens and schools were contacted for data collection between October and November 2022. The questionnaire included sections to gather information on the socio-demographic characteristics of the caregivers, their awareness of common misconceptions regarding baby walkers and their attitudes towards general children's safety.
Results: 84.4% of caregivers used baby walkers for various reasons, primarily to facilitate early walking for the child (73.1%) and provide entertainment (54.1%). However, 22% of users reported injuries related to baby walker usage. Regarding the awareness, only 6% of caregivers were aware of assessed common misconceptions surrounding baby walkers. Additionally, the study revealed that 43% of the sample displayed a poor to moderate attitude towards general child safety.
Conclusion: The findings emphasize the need for targeted educational initiatives to increase awareness, correct misconceptions, promote positive attitudes towards child safety, and mitigate the risks associated with baby walker usage. Healthcare professionals and other stakeholders should play an active role in providing accurate information and promoting safe practices to ensure the well-being and safety of infants.