The experience of adoptive mothers in Saudi Arabia with the child adoption and induced lactation programs: A qualitative study with a focus group
Razaz Wali, Anas Koshak
Abstract Aim To explore the mothers' experiences, motivation, challenges, and recommendations regarding the child adoption and induced lactation programs in February 2022. Method This qualitative exploratory study used a focus group with purposively recruited adoptive mothers. The data were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using thematic analysis within the Grounded Theory approach. Result Ten women benefited from the adoption and induced-lactation program. Three main themes emanated from the analysis: The current perceptions regarding child adoption, experience, and practices, the child adoption process, facilitators, and challenges as well as the adoption with the induced lactation process, awareness, and challenges. In general, the mothers had a positive experience with the child adoption and induced lactation programs. They did highlight the need to review the adoption process, the facilitators, how to overcome challenges, and raise the awareness of child adoption by induced lactation. Conclusion This study explored the adoptive mother's experience, facilitators, and challenges with a child adoption and induced lactation. It could increase the awareness of decision-makers to review the adoption process and increase awareness about adoption by induced lactation in mothers, families, and the communities.
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