Management of phyllodes tumour (Arbuda): A case report
Breast lumps of benign types are the commonest type of breast disease amongst 40 per cent of female population. The chances of the growth being malignant make patients apprehensive. Phyllodes tumour involving the stroma of the breast is a common among females of around 40 years of age. Acharya Sushruta has advised Chedana of Arbuda i.e. excision of tumour to avoid recurrence. Considering the chances of recurrence surgical treatment of phyllodes is successful if excision is clubbed with mastectomy of the surrounding breast tissue.
A 65 years woman suffering from breast lump for 2 years was diagnosed with Phyllodes tumour clinically as well as with radiological aids. Malignancy was ruled out as per diagnostic criteria. Excision of the lump with 1cm margins was carried out as per surgery protocol. Biopsy report confirmed the diagnosis of benign phyllodes tumour. Patient has been stable since last one and a half year and recurrence has not been noticed. Thus, it can be concluded that an organised approach towards benign lesion like phyllodes tumour can help to alleviate anxiety and fear of patients.