Bullous Pemphigoid Patients and Associated Malignancies: Retrospective Study; Riyadh – Saudi Arabia
Objectives The purpose of this study is to describe the prevalence of bullous pemphigoid (BP) and to determine the associated malignancies with BP in Saudi Arabia.
Methods Data on patients aged more than 18 years old, who were diagnosed with BP, were retrospectively reviewed. Patients’ sociodemographic, clinical symptoms and associated medical conditions were collected. Data were analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences, version 21 (SPSS, Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.).
Results Our sample was composed of 83 patients who were diagnosed with bullous pemphigoid; their mean age was 80.3 years. 3.6 per cent of our patients had drug-induced BP. 97.6 per cent of our patients had comorbidities, such diabetes, hypertension, and dementia. The most commonly encountered co-morbidities were hypertension in 79.51 per cent patients (n=66) followed by diabetes in 51.80 per cent patients (n=43), and heart disease in 33.73 per cent patients (n=28). None of the patients had malignancies, except for 2.4 per cent patients (n=2) who had lymphoma.
Conclusion No clear association between BP and malignancies, age group, gender, or other comorbidities was identified. We recommend larger prospective studies to investigate the association between BP and malignancies.