Lance-Adams syndrome (LAS). Chronic Post-Hypoxic Myoclonus in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry: Case report
Post-hypoxic myoclonus is a rare finding after cardiorespiratory arrest. Clinical Case: We present a case of a 40-year-old woman with toxic neuropathy due to hyperthyroidism. She was under prolonged resuscitation due to a neural cardiorespiratory attack. Four days later, she developed rhythmic and involuntary movements of high frequency and low amplitude. Video-electroencephalographic monitoring was normal. Cerebral NMR showed extensive and diffuse hyperintensity in multiple encephalon areas and microhemorrhages in both cerebral hemispheres. She was managed with valproic acid. The treatment of this condition must be multidisciplinary; it includes medication (valproic acid, levetiracetam, clonazepam), physical and occupational therapy with close collaborative management alongside the neurology service.