Secondary antiphospholipid syndrome on oral anticoagulant presented with subdural hematoma
Talal Khalid Alanazi, Ahmed Abdulaziz Garib Ibrahim
A 50-year-old female known case of systemic lupus erythematosus with positive antiphospholipid antibody warfarin, presented to hospital complaining of severe headache and vomiting for four days. CT brain showed bilateral chronic subdural haemorrhage more on the left side. Her laboratory investigation showed normal Platelet and INR of 3.10. Warfarin reversed and the patient treated conservatively. Later on, admission, she became drowsy again CT brain repeated and showed extensions of hematoma and increased effacement of brain parenchyma. She underwent left sided burr hole to evacuate hematoma. More studies are needed to guide the management of APLS with bleeding.
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