Significance of reticulocyte haemoglobin content in diagnosis of iron deficiency anaemia

Nauka S. Shah, Jaya M. Pathak, Purva C. Shah


Reticulocyte haemoglobin content (CHr) measures the amount of haemoglobin in reticulocytes and hence, offers real-time information on iron supply for erythropoiesis. It is a useful diagnostic test for iron deficiency anaemia.

Our aim in this study was to evaluate the clinical significance of reticulocyte haemoglobin (RET-He) in IDA while also comparing it with currently available parameters.

This was an observational cross-sectional study conducted in a tertiary care hospital over ten months and included all patients (N=50) above eighteen years of age freshly diagnosed with anaemia. Following detailed history, general examination and basic haematological investigations, the serum iron profile and reticulocyte haemoglobin of patients were assessed. Correlation analysis and comparison of coefficient of variance were done between different parameters of IDA.

There is a significant positive correlation of RET-He with ferritin in total patients (r=0.2121, p=0.1391) as well as with haemoglobin (r=0.3116, p=0.0267), mean corpuscular volume (r=0.1822, p=0.0267), serum iron (r=0.1519, p=0.2923), and a significant negative correlation with red cell distribution width (r=0.03029, p=0.8346) and total iron binding capacity (r=-0.2722, p=0.0559). Variation of Ret-He in our study is 34 per cent which is lower than that of haemoglobin (44.2 per cent), serum Iron (68 per cent), serum transferrin saturation (66.8 per cent), and serum ferritin (38.2 per cent).

Ret-He is now called as the gold standard for diagnosis of iron deficiency anaemia surpassing previously used parameters like bone marrow iron and serum ferritin.
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