Swine Flu and Haryana 2009

Naresh Kumar, Sushma Sood, Manjeet Singh, Mukesh Kumar, Beena Makkar, Manusha Singh


A swine flu pandemic hit the world and India was no exception. Many deaths were reported in metropolitan cities. Knowledge about the infection is an important element of control of the infection.

This cross sectional survey was conducted at a tertiary care centre hospital where the patients are referred from different parts of Haryana accompanied by relatives therefore it was regarded as a potentially high-risk area for the spread of Influenza A (H1N1) and chosen to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice in relation to swine flu. A self administered questionnaire involved 42 hospital staff members (HS) and 358 general public (GP) accompanying the patients from 1st September 2009 to 15th October 2009.

Out of all respondents only 25% had heard of swine flu before and out of which 65% HS & 37% GP knew more than three correct symptoms. There were 86% respondents (HS=95% & GP=80%) who thought that touching the eyes, nose or mouth without washing hands can spread the disease. Altogether 80% respondents thought that the disease was controllable while, nearly 92% of respondents knew about the nearest swine flu control or testing centre. Among all hardly 10% had attended some type of awareness program for swine flu control and 62% were taking precautions against the spread of swine flu. Nearly 70% of respondents thought that masks prevent the disease while about 98% washed their hands before having meal. Nearly 72% of this knowledge was from television and 20% from newspapers.

In the present study group many of the respondents didn’t know about swine flu. Most were from the general population. We recommend a public health campaign in Haryana.

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