Unguided bronchoscopic biopsy: Does yield increase with operator experience
Tyagi Rahul, Chawla Naveen, Gurjeet Singh Chowdhary, Hande Vivek
Bronchoscopic Forceps biopsy (Endobronchial Biopsy (EBB) and Trans Bronchial Lung Biopsy (TBLB)) are commonly performed for diagnosis in patients with endobronchial abnormalities or diffuse parenchymal involvement. As the operator gains experience his yield of various diagnostic bronchoscopic biopsies is expected to increase, however, no studies on the subject are available in literature.
To determine the effect of on- job experience on the yield of unguided bronchoscopic biopsies.
A total of 244 bronchoscopies were performed between Oct 2013 and Oct 2016. A retrospective analysis of all these bronchoscopies was undertaken. All patients who underwent biopsy were included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups with first group (Group A) comprising of biopsies done between Oct 2013 to Apr 2015 and second group comprising biopsies done between May 2015 to Oct 2016 (Group B). The diagnostic yield in two groups was compared.
Total 71 bronchoscopic biopsies were performed during Oct 2013 to Oct 2016. 36 patients were included in group A and 35 patients were included in group B. The groups were matched in demographic profile, clinical diagnosis, bronchoscopic findings and type of biopsy undertaken. The biopsy was diagnostic in 31 patient (43.6 per cent) and non-diagnostic in 33 patients (46.4 per cent). There were 15 diagnostic biopsies in group A and 16 diagnostic biopsies in group B. The difference in the diagnostic biopsies between the two groups was not significant.
There was no significant impact of on job experience on diagnostic yield of biopsies. This may be due to adequate exposure during training leading to a diagnostic plateau being reached.
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Bronchoscopic Forceps biopsy (Endobronchial Biopsy (EBB) and Trans Bronchial Lung Biopsy (TBLB)) are commonly performed for diagnosis in patients with endobronchial abnormalities or diffuse parenchymal involvement. As the operator gains experience his yield of various diagnostic bronchoscopic biopsies is expected to increase, however, no studies on the subject are available in literature.
To determine the effect of on- job experience on the yield of unguided bronchoscopic biopsies.
A total of 244 bronchoscopies were performed between Oct 2013 and Oct 2016. A retrospective analysis of all these bronchoscopies was undertaken. All patients who underwent biopsy were included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups with first group (Group A) comprising of biopsies done between Oct 2013 to Apr 2015 and second group comprising biopsies done between May 2015 to Oct 2016 (Group B). The diagnostic yield in two groups was compared.
Total 71 bronchoscopic biopsies were performed during Oct 2013 to Oct 2016. 36 patients were included in group A and 35 patients were included in group B. The groups were matched in demographic profile, clinical diagnosis, bronchoscopic findings and type of biopsy undertaken. The biopsy was diagnostic in 31 patient (43.6 per cent) and non-diagnostic in 33 patients (46.4 per cent). There were 15 diagnostic biopsies in group A and 16 diagnostic biopsies in group B. The difference in the diagnostic biopsies between the two groups was not significant.
There was no significant impact of on job experience on diagnostic yield of biopsies. This may be due to adequate exposure during training leading to a diagnostic plateau being reached.