Acute Surgical Unit: The consultant experience
Patrick Joe Stokes, Dean Page, Cristian Udovicich, Dhan Thiruchelvam
Establishment of the Acute Surgical Unit (ASU) has redefined the approach to emergency surgery in Australia with quantitative data showing improvement in patient outcomes. However, as qualitative data regarding the ASU remains scarce, we sought to determine the impact of the ASU on overall surgeon job satisfaction.
The aim of this paper was to specifically address the impact of the ASU on consultant surgeons overall job satisfaction.
We designed a 34 – item questionnaire with consultant general surgeons addressing important aspects of the ASU. Themes included on – call rostering and workload, academic pursuits, surgical training, work – life balance and overall job satisfaction.
We received responses from 88 surgeons currently working on ASU units, responding correctly and in full to the survey. Overall, our surveyed cohort reported better on – call rostering, improved surgical training and higher levels of job satisfaction and overall work – life balance with ASU implementation.
Preliminary qualitative results indicate that the ASU may improve on – call rostering, work – life balance and overall job satisfaction.
Full Text:
Establishment of the Acute Surgical Unit (ASU) has redefined the approach to emergency surgery in Australia with quantitative data showing improvement in patient outcomes. However, as qualitative data regarding the ASU remains scarce, we sought to determine the impact of the ASU on overall surgeon job satisfaction.
The aim of this paper was to specifically address the impact of the ASU on consultant surgeons overall job satisfaction.
We designed a 34 – item questionnaire with consultant general surgeons addressing important aspects of the ASU. Themes included on – call rostering and workload, academic pursuits, surgical training, work – life balance and overall job satisfaction.
We received responses from 88 surgeons currently working on ASU units, responding correctly and in full to the survey. Overall, our surveyed cohort reported better on – call rostering, improved surgical training and higher levels of job satisfaction and overall work – life balance with ASU implementation.
Preliminary qualitative results indicate that the ASU may improve on – call rostering, work – life balance and overall job satisfaction.