An unorthodox innervation of the gluteus maximus muscle and other associated variations: A case report
Suhani Sumalatha, Antony Sylvan D Souza, Jitendra Singh Yadav, Sachendra Kumar Mittal, Amoldeep Singh, Sushma R Kotian
Knowledge of peripheral nerve morphology, location, and variation is important for facilitating appropriate diagnosis and intervention. We present a unique case of absence of the inferior gluteal nerve and high division of the sciatic nerve. In this instance, the common peroneal nerve was found piercing the piriformis muscle and emerging distally in the form of two trunks: thin medial and thick lateral. The medial trunk presented an interesting course, supplying the gluteus maximus muscle before joining the lateral trunk to form the common peroneal nerve. Additionally, the arteria nervi ischiadisci was also observed accompanying and supplying the tibial nerve passing inferior to the piriformis. These variations are important for clinicians and surgeons for some radiological diagnoses and surgical procedures in the lower limb.
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