A case report of Melioidosis in a Diabetic patient in a Union Territory
Esther Paul, M Sudhagar, S Anandhalakshmi, Mathias Shanthi
Melioidosis is an emerging disease in India. Cases have also been reported from South East Asia, Australia and Japan. Major risk factors for melioidosis are diabetes mellitus, pre-existing renal disease and thalassemia. Exposure to contaminated soil and water are also significant occupational hazards associated with the disease. A patient with diabetes of six years duration on regular medication presented with fever, generalised myalgia and headache for a week. Blood and bone marrow culture yielded Burkholderia pseudomallei. A Computed tomography (CT) study of the thorax also revealed multiple scattered nodules in both lungs. The patient was treated with imipenem and doxycycline. His condition improved gradually and he was advised oral sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and doxycycline for a period of three months and has been followed up regularly.
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